

To cultivate a vibrant and proactive work environment where employees feel energized, engaged, and connected to their organization.


Reduce illness and disease caused by unhealthy lifestyles. By improving immune function and mental resilience, we contribute to an organization’s success through three measurable performance outcomes.

Decreased workplace absenteeism and presenteeism

Increased job satisfaction and productivity

Improved talent retention

Our Values

Empowering employees to make better choices for their long-term health and wellbeing of our people through targeted and easily accessible advice and resources. 

Encouraging employees to make vitality their priority is essential to fostering curiosity, driving innovation, and building unity.

Making the healthy choice the easy choice

Established to enable a positive health impact for employees.

We provide health and vitality expertise to all strategic areas based on a global vision and strategy for health and wellbeing.

Science-based advice

Resources accessible to everyone

Designed as a personalized health journey

Occupational and Societal
Challenges We Aim to Address

Access to Health

We aim to champion health equity by ensuring individuals have access to health resources at every level of your organization, from leadership to frontline teams.

Global Rise in Chronic Disease Prevalence

The economic impact of sickness and chronic disease in the workplace is significant. We reduce this risk by fostering healthier employees, driving greater business success

Challenges Facing Healthcare Systems

By empowering employees to manage their health remotely, we ease the strain on healthcare systems, aid therapeutic support, and reduce the prevalence and impact of chronic disease on organizations and society.

Why Invest in boostyourvitality 

The impact of unhealthy lifestyles and the importance of immunity 

Lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic highlight the vital role of immunity in safeguarding employee health and organizational resilience. The immune system is the body’s primary defense and is the foundation of our health and wellbeing. Unhealthy lifestyle behaviors can weaken immune function, leading to increased rates of absenteeism and presenteeism in the workplace. In 2019 alone, reduced immune fitness cost the Dutch economy over €10 billion. For organizations, safeguarding employee health should be a priority, beginning with strengthening employees’ immunity, which is the foundation of a healthy, happy, and resilient employee. 

Solutions for Healthier Employees  

Lifestyle Optimization

Encouraging physical activity, promoting balanced nutrition, and supporting mental resilience improve employees’ overall well-being. 

Enhanced Immunity

By improving immunity and optimizing lifestyle choices, your organization contributes to a healthier and more sustainable working environment.  

Business Outcomes  

Happier Employees

Healthier employees are happier employees, leading to increased job satisfaction and reduced turnover.  

Mutual Success

Investing in employee well-being fosters a symbiotic relationship where employees and organizations thrive together. 

Mapping Out Our Future


The healthcare landscape is evolving, and we are with it. As life expectancy increases worldwide, a new challenge presents itself. According to the World Health Organization, more than 40% of chronic diseases take place before the age of 70, approximately one-third of cancers can be prevented, and up to 80% of heart disease, stroke and diabetes type 2 deaths are preventable by a healthy lifestyle. It calls for innovative approaches to health, with digitalization paving the way.

Anytime, Anywhere

A holistic approach to health ensures individuals can monitor their health anytime, anywhere, backed by support from specialists. Digital health platforms are creating an avenue by which individuals can take control of their health without the need for direct healthcare institution intervention. This is important not only for the individual but also for healthcare institutions themselves, reducing strain and facilitating health self-management.

Resources and Support

Making the right lifestyle choices can be challenging, but equipped with the right resources and support, individuals are empowered with the knowledge to make healthier lifestyle choices and the ability to measure their impact. This offers individuals health autonomy and lays the foundations to aid the digitalization of healthcare, offering data to support therapies and improve individuals’ experience with healthcare institutions. We aim to move towards a future of health prevention, transforming the way individuals view their health and the usage of healthcare systems.

Working Towards a World of Prevention

With our comprehensive platform and your dedication, we foresee a future of healthier and happier employees, all while empowering the evolution of preventative health within society.